DRG4FOOD at NutrEvent 2024!
Wednesday, October 2nd | 2.00 – 3.15 pm

From research to consumer: Exploring the impact of AI on nutrition, food production and supply
Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise most sectors, and nutrition is no exception.
From the research and formulation of new ingredients, to helping consumers make the right nutritional choices by way of the food production processes, how is AI used in practice? Experts will address the challenges and opportunities in enhancing nutritional value and sustainability.
- What scientific evidence supports the efficacy and safety of AI-driven innovations in improving nutritional outcomes and food sustainability?
- How is AI being leveraged to optimise food formulation and production processes, as well as to analyse complex nutritional data and predict optimal dietary patterns?
- When it comes to consumers, what innovative tools can assist their nutritional choices according to preferences as well as dietary requirements, and how is AI-driven advice received?
- What are the ethical and regulatory considerations associated with AI integration in nutrition and food production?
Moderator: Raphaelle O’Connor, PhD, Founder & Company Director, inewtrition (IE)
- Claudia Mucciardi, Vice Chair, European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) & Director, Nutrabolt (UK)
- Lorna Goulden, Consortium Partner, DRG4FOOD & Founder,Twinds Foundation (BE)
- Jose Lopez Vilariño, PhD, R&D Manager, Hijos de Rivera (ES)
- Hannah Saich, Enterprise Account Director, Tastewise (UK)